Refine the skills of staff across your agency to deliver better services to clients and improve your retention
We provide a range of one day training programmes designed to focus on specific skills for staff throughout your agency that help to build on their existing experience and give them more insight and stronger abilities to manage their workloads effectively.
Reporting Training
Do you treat monthly reports as an opportunity to celebrate success and create new selling opportunities or are they a chore?
Our training transforms your approach to client performance reporting away from simply regurgitating data to incorporate story-telling and provide richer insights to clients that allow you to offer addtional services.
Productivity Training
Using your time more effectively and getting more work done helps improve profitability and delivers better client results.
Our productivity training sessions focus on time management, motivation, and prioritisation to help staff deliver better results on time and avoid missed deadlines as well as enhancing cross department communication.
Client Services Training
Client Service skills take time to develop, and there isn't always enough time or opportunity for people to learn on the job.
We provide a dedicated training service for your client facing team to help them improve their communication, prioritisation, and time & resource management skills that will make them more effective in meeting client needs profitably while building better relationships that will aid long term retention.
Presentation Training
Standing up in front of a crowd can be a daunting prospect for staff, but is an essential part of agency life.
We provide practical presentation training that helps client facing staff organise their ideas, cope with big day nerves, and communicate more effectively to internal and external teams. Our presentation training for agencies helps you project the most professional identity and build better relationships.
Quality training Tailored to Your Agency
Our range of one day training workshops cost £750+VAT, and are designed for groups of up to 6 people. We can conduct training at your office or arrange a local venue. Ahead of the training day, we also conduct an initial meeting with you to discuss the current challenges and opportunities your agency has.
We can integrate a current sales opportunity into the training to provide additional commercial benefits.
Next Steps...
Get in touch to discuss your training needs or to talk about our other agency growth consultancy services.